
Name | Zhiwen Ye | | |
Website | |
2023 - now Acting Assistant Professor
University of Washington, Seattle, US
2020 - 2022 Acting Instructor
University of Washington, Seattle, US
2016 - 2019 Postdoctoral Training Fellow
the Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
2014 - 2015 Research Associate
Imperial College London, London, UK
2010 - 2014 PhD
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London
2006 - 2010 BA
Harbin Institute of Technology
Life Sciences
2010 - 2014 UK-China Scholarship for Excellence
2023 Brain-wide topographic coordination of traveling spiral waves
Ye Z, Bull MS, Li A, Birman D, Daigle TL, Tasic B, Zeng H, Steinmetz NA
[Code] [Data]
2023 Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type specificity of brain recordings
Ye Z*, Shelton AM*, Shaker JR, Boussard J, Colonell J, Birman D, Manavi S, Chen S, Windolf C, Hurwitz C, Namima T, Pedraja F, Weiss S, Raducanu B, Ness TV, Jia X, Mastroberardino G, Rossi LF, Carandini M, Häusser M, Einevoll GT, Laurent G, Sawtell NB, Bair W, Pasupathy A, Lopez CM, Dutta B, Paninski L, Siegle JH, Koch C, Olsen SR, Harris TD, Steinmetz NA.
[Data] [Website]
2023 Quantitative analysis of rabies virus-based synaptic connectivity tracing
Tran-Van-Minh A*, Ye Z*, Rancz E
2017 Fast and slow inhibition in the visual thalamus is influenced by allocating GABAA receptors with different gamma subunits
Front Cell Neurosci.
Ye Z, Yu X, Houston CM, Aboukhalil Z, Franks NP, Wisden W, Brickley SG
2016 Tectal-derived interneurons contribute to phasic and tonic inhibition in the visual thalamus
Nat Commun.
Jager P*, Ye Z*, Yu X, Zagoraiou L, Prekop HT, Partanen J, Jessell TM, Wisden W, Brickley SG, Delogu A
2016 Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Induction of Sleep by Zolpidem Acting on Histaminergic and Neocortex Neurons
J Neurosci.
Uygun DS*, Ye Z*, Zecharia AY, Harding EC, Yu X, Yustos R, Vyssotski AL, Brickley SG, Franks NP, Wisden W
2015 Wakefulness Is Governed by GABA and Histamine Cotransmission
Yu X*, Ye Z*, Houston CM, Zecharia AY, Ma Y, Zhang Z, Uygun DS, Parker S, Vyssotski AL, Yustos R, Franks NP, Brickley SG, Wisden W
2013 The contribution of delta subunit-containing GABAA receptors to phasic and tonic conductance changes in cerebellum, thalamus and neocortex
Front Neural Circuits
Ye Z, McGee TP, Houston CM, Brickley SG
2024 Simultaneous mesoscopic measurement and manipulation of mouse cortical activity
Matveev P, Li A, Ye Z, Bowen A, Opitz-Araya X, Ting J, Steinmetz NA
2022 jULIEs: extracellular probes for recordings and stimulation in the structurally and functionally intact mouse brain
Neural Eng.
Racz R, Kollo M, Racz G, Bulz C, Ackels T, Warner T, Wray W, Kiskin N, Chen C, Ye Z, Hoz L, Rancz E, Schaefer A
2021 Neuropixels 2.0: A miniaturized high-density probe for stable, long-term brain recordings
Steinmetz NA, Aydin C, Lebedeva A, Okun M, Pachitariu M, Bauza M, Beau M, Bhagat J, Böhm C, Broux M, Chen S, Colonell J, Gardner RJ, Karsh B, Kloosterman F, Kostadinov D, Mora-Lopez C, O'Callaghan J, Park J, Putzeys J, Sauerbrei B, van Daal RJJ, Vollan AZ, Wang S, Welkenhuysen M, Ye Z, Dudman JT, Dutta B, Hantman AW, Harris KD, Lee AK, Moser EI, O'Keefe J, Renart A, Svoboda K, Häusser M, Haesler S, Carandini M, Harris TD
2018 A Neuronal Hub Binding Sleep Initiation and Body Cooling in Response to a Warm External Stimulus
Curr Biol.
Harding EC, Yu X, Miao A, Andrews N, Ma Y, Ye Z, Lignos L, Miracca G, Ba W, Yustos R, Vyssotski AL, Wisden W, Franks NP
2018 Excitatory Pathways from the Lateral Habenula Enable Propofol-Induced Sedation
Curr Biol.
Gelegen C, Miracca G, Ran MZ, Harding EC, Ye Z, Yu X, Tossell K, Houston CM, Yustos R, Hawkins ED, Vyssotski AL, Dong HL, Wisden W, Franks NP
2015 Neuronal ensembles sufficient for recovery sleep and the sedative actions of alpha2 adrenergic agonists
Nat Neurosci.
Zhang Z, Ferretti V, Güntan İ, Moro A, Steinberg EA, Ye Z, Zecharia AY, Yu X, Vyssotski AL, Brickley SG, Yustos R, Pillidge ZE, Harding EC, Wisden W, Franks NP
2012 GABAergic inhibition of histaminergic neurons regulates active waking but not the sleep-wake switch or propofol-induced loss of consciousness
J Neurosci.
Zecharia AY, Yu X, Götz T, Ye Z, Carr DR, Wulff P, Bettler B, Vyssotski AL, Brickley SG, Franks NP, Wisden W.